SUCCESS Computer Consulting
The Challenge
SUCCESS Computer Consulting was growing yet seemed to be running into reoccurring barriers. Eager to get beyond these barriers, they were in the process of hiring a new president and seeking help in up-leveling their brand image. They had a brand identity that served them well, but it didn’t seem to capture who they really were and how good they were at what they did.
The Solution
We saw the SUCCESS culture as an asset and that it was key to up-leveling their brand. With a brand culture workshop we worked with the leadership team to rally the entire company around why they do what they do and the importance of being their brand. SUCCESS was able to understand and focus their brand culture and reengage it at a higher and more impactful level than they realized possible. The SUCCESS culture is key to everything they stand for and believe, we worked with them to understand how to bring it forward in everything they do on a daily basis, their messaging, their image, and turn it into their market differentiation.
Today, SUCCESS employees are their own brand ambassadors; they set the standard for the company and deliver the value that brings out the best qualities in their business relationships. They lead by example, earning their customer’s trust and respect and believe they are morally compelled to help businesses succeed.
What We Did
As part of the process, we worked with the SUCCESS team to understand that a brand is more than just a logo; it’s how someone feels about you as a result of the experiences you create for them. This led to us working with the executive team to reconstruct the brand from the inside out. We explored why they do what they do, their values and their purpose. We then helped them see their target audience in a new way so they could focus on creating unique value to each of their audience segments. We showed them how to clearly communicate what they can do that is of value to each audience segment in a way that is desirable, usable and relevant — positioning them uniquely compared to their competition.
Through our journey with SUCCESS, we discovered they had an amazing culture and energy that was not being captured in the brand message and image — this is their life-force. This led us to develop a program that SUCCESS uses internally to include their employees in the evolution of the brand and inspire them to embrace it. As a result, their staff felt as though they were part of the process and were inspired to embrace and be the brand.