Rucsandra Mitrea was in pain. Constant pain. And as if her chronically inflamed feet, ankles and knees weren’t bad enough, they led to movement restrictions in her hips, pelvis and lower back, culminating in a herniated disc. Feeling like she had lost control over her body and her life, Rucsandra began an odyssey to heal herself.
She studied widely—physiology, exercise and movement, biomechanics, anatomy, meditation, energy healing, hypnosis, pulsating electro-magnetic fields therapy and emotional release. And while no single modality was a cure, a combination of therapies resulted in a process that allowed her to heal her body and enjoy a pain-free life where she was stronger and more active than ever. The process she used to heal herself became the foundation for her company, Vital Directives.
The human body is an exquisite, complex and extremely intelligent system. It also has an extraordinary capacity for healing. Using the Vital Directives mind-body solution, people in pain are taught how to ignite their own innate healing capacity and get their body and life back.

Hundreds of Vital Directives clients have learned to successfully manage their pain using
the process developed by Rucsandra. Her clients are effusive in their praise:

“I can enjoy life pain free.”
“I will be forever grateful to Rucsandra for the work she has done with me!”
“Without the continuous and relentless pain, my life is now much more enjoyable.”
“I am a stronger, healthier woman under her care.”

Here’s how Rucsandra sums up the Vital Directives mission:
“Life is meant to be lived with pleasure, in a healthy and capable body. Your first step to a life of freedom is reducing pain, then it’s about gaining control and getting your life back. Create your healthy body and engage preventative measures that allow you to live an active life for years to come.”
With empathy and compassion, Vital Directives improves the lives of their clients and their families and the broader community. Because when you’re pain free, anything is possible.
To learn more about Vital Directives and their amazing ability to help people heal, go to vitaldirectives.com or sign up for a complimentary body strategy session with Rucsandra below.